New Ingame Name? Tell us!

Everything regarding the FFXIV-game. 1.0 and A Realm Reborn. / Themen bezüglich FFXIV 1.0 und A Realm Reborn.

Moderatoren: Shadonic, Fidi

New Ingame Name? Tell us!

Beitragvon Shadonic » 7. Jul 2013, 14:06

Some of you probably might have gotten tired with how your character looks like
and want to change race/gender or just how you look.

If this will include a name change please let us know!

Character apperance change will be possible either at the start of Open Beta or Release (this is yet to be announced)
Elite Royal Guard
Elite Royal Guard
Beiträge: 603
Registriert: 8. Dez 2005, 23:16
Wohnort: wien

Re: New Ingame Name? Tell us!

Beitragvon Shadonic » 16. Aug 2013, 15:28

Since i had a Little change of mind, here goes
Black Rose (1.0) > Kite Twinblade (2.0)
Female miqo'te > male miqo'te
Elite Royal Guard
Elite Royal Guard
Beiträge: 603
Registriert: 8. Dez 2005, 23:16
Wohnort: wien

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