Raid Days

Everything regarding the FFXIV-game. 1.0 and A Realm Reborn. / Themen bezüglich FFXIV 1.0 und A Realm Reborn.

Moderatoren: Shadonic, Fidi

Which Raid plan would you like to work with?

Fixed Schedule - Example: Every week the same 3-4 days
Random Schedule - Example: 3-4 Raids days that change from week to week
Abstimmungen insgesamt : 11

Raid Days

Beitragvon Shadonic » 5. Jul 2013, 21:54

a small and quick vote to see what the majority thinks

I'd like to have different Raids days in week cycles.
Like Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday in week 1 and Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday in week 2.

This only counts towards our mandatory Raids, we can still randomly plan events when there are enough ppl to do them with!
Elite Royal Guard
Elite Royal Guard
Beiträge: 603
Registriert: 8. Dez 2005, 23:16
Wohnort: wien

Re: Raid Days

Beitragvon Shadonic » 9. Sep 2013, 15:25

Vote time's over!
Fixed raid schedules have won by one voice.

Raid days will be : Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
not every week will have 4 mandatory raid days, but i'll try to plan atleats 3 days depending on how much 8 man content is wanted (currently that is limited to relic/primals/bahamut)
Elite Royal Guard
Elite Royal Guard
Beiträge: 603
Registriert: 8. Dez 2005, 23:16
Wohnort: wien

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